Lee and Judith's Original Site

175 Moonlight Home

Ham Radio

175 Moonlight.com



Binaries for Debian and Ubuntu

DIXPRS 2.1.5 Binary

DIXPRS 2.2.0 Binary

DIXPRS 2.2.1 Binary

DIXPRS 2.2.2 Binary

Version 2.2.2 has been installed in Debian Squeeze, Ubuntu 12.04,
12.10, & 13.04 as well as the Raspian build for the Raspberry Pi.

In Debian, the easiest way to install the deb package is to use the GDebi
Package Installer.  (apt-get install gdebi)  GDebi will automatically install
any dependencies, and it's a simple right-click on the deb package to start.

In Ubuntu, deb packages can be installed by a right click on the deb file
and selecting "Install from Software Center".

See the README file included with the deb package for more information.

If you plan to use Linux AX25 networking, you will need one of the following packages.

PYAX25 Binary - Python 2.6 (for Debian Squeeze, etc.)

PYAX25 Binary - Python 2.7 (for Debian Wheezy and current + recent versions of Ubuntu)

PYAX25 Binary - Python 2.7-arm for Raspberry Pi

Lee and Judith's Original Site

175 Moonlight Home

Ham Radio